July 2022

Using Excel for collecting information and signposting and general engagement data

Monday 25th July, 2022 - 10:30 to 11:30

About this event

A number of Healthwatch use Excel to collect, analyse and report on their data. Some use various functions to automatically update reports for different stakeholders.

Some Healthwatch are using Power Bi for data visualisation, including more than one data set – such as combining Healthwatch data for ICS purposes.

With the retirement of Civi, some Healthwatch are considering an Excel solution.

Healthwatch England would like to draw on the learning of Healthwatch to see if we can provide a template drawing on the best and most suitable features.

You will learn how different Healthwatch use Excel and Power Bi

Type of event

This event will provide a means for Healthwatch to share their approaches and inform Healthwatch England of what works.

Who is this event for? 

The event is for staff and volunteers who develop and use Excel and/or Power Bi to capture and analyse local Healthwatch data and for Healthwatch who are considering either for their work.

What will you learn? 

You’ll learn about

  • How Healthwatch use Excel to capture, store, analyse and report on their data
  • How they use Power Bi for data visualisation and other purposes
  • How Healthwatch England’s template might work for your Healthwatch

Who is running this event? 

Gavin Macgregor, Head of network Development

Sue Edwards, Research and Insight Manager

Matt Sanders, Digital Systems Development Manager

Contact details

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