Helping you to work remotely

It is likely that more and more of you will be working from home as the situation with the Coronavirus progresses. Here's how you can use Workplace to make communications easier.
Young man with a backpack

Communicate with your team via Workplace

To make communication easier between you and your team in your local Healthwatch, we are opening up the group function so that you can have conversations in a 'secret group' without this information being displayed to the rest of the network. 

Why create a group?

  • Discuss what activities are needed on a day to day basis
  • Share internal resources
  • Video chat with your team mates
  • Share your screen with a team mate (unless this has been blocked by your firewall)

How to create a group

  1. Go to 'Home'
  2. Click 'Create group' underneath your current groups
  3. Go to 'Teams and Projects'
  4. Name the group with your local Healthwatch name
  5. Select 'secret' or 'closed' so that only people in your group can see the posts
  6. Add your colleagues

Call out for Workplace licenses

We have 100 Workplace accounts available. If any of your staff are in need of Workplace licenses, please email with your Workplace license requests. 

DO NOT attempt to create your own Workplace account, this will just delay the process.