Healthwatch reports library now launched

Do you want to be able to search and find what people are telling local Healthwatch? We’ve built a tool that aims to help.

For the first time ever, Healthwatch England have published their National Reports Library. 

The report is still in its development phase, with the Intelligence Team at Healthwatch England working hard to format and upload the remaining reports to the library. When complete, you and the rest of the public will be able to have access to thousands of reports from the network.

How can I search for a report?

You can filter out your search in a number of ways: 

  • by local Healthwatch 
  • type of service
  • evidence of impact

You can further refine by demographic, theme, research type and more. 

Tell us what you think 

There are already hundreds of reports loaded onto the reports library. Take five minutes to see how easy it is to find a report and tell us what you think using the feedback button. 

Tell us what you think