Four steps to take now to prepare for writing your annual report

It’s a familiar scene. It’s mid-June, and the Healthwatch lead officer is pulling together content for the annual report. The hoped-for lull in other work demands has again proved to be something of a mirage, so it’s another evening at the keyboard, writing up accounts of outcomes achieved over the year and ensuring all statutory content is included. “If only I’d spent a bit of time earlier in the year …” she thinks to herself.
If this scenario resonates with you, then maybe there are a few things you could do right now that you’ll thank yourself for in five months’ time.
Of course, I'm not suggesting you spend ages writing annual report content in January!
But a bit of time spent now on some of the following things could really pay dividends when the time comes to produce an engaging report about your work up to the end of March. This helps to demonstrate the value of Healthwatch to local people, your funders, Integrated Care System (ICS) and other stakeholders.
We're really seeing yearly improvements in how you're evidencing outcomes and impact. Last year over 70% of Healthwatch annual reports included references to outcomes that had been achieved. That's up from 50% the year before! This is fantastic to see, as local authority commissioners also tell us how important it is for their Healthwatch to be aware of communicating this. But there's still variation in whether the write-up conveys something about how improvements are likely to be felt by people using the services. Taking that extra step of mentioning a service change's wider impact really helps convey the value of your Healthwatch's contribution.
To think more about the wider impact of your work, don't forget to take a quick look at this e-learning module on outcomes and impact.
1. Consider which areas of work and outcomes you’re likely to headline?
This year, the design of our template will again suggest the report is kept short so that people are likely to read it.
This means choosing two or three areas of work to succinctly showcase, with as much focus as possible on how you’ve contributed to positive change for the public. The two information and signposting case studies and paragraphs on "Three ways we have made a difference" should also focus on impact.
If outcomes from work started in previous years have now been achieved this financial year, then there's no reason you can't feature those. It's all part of the story of what service you deliver for the public.
Key things to consider:
- Do you have an idea now about which areas of work you’re likely to feature?
- Is there anything additional you could do now in your planning or delivery which can help evidence the outcomes of that work?
- Is there anyone you could ask now for a quote about the difference you made?
- Could you hold a workshop with your team and others to reflect on your strongest achievements?
2. Decide if you'll be able to reuse much of your ‘Statutory Statements’ section.
Most Healthwatch will be able to reuse or just slightly update the text in the sections of your last report:
- The way we work
- Methods and systems used across the year’s work to obtain people’s views and experience
- Health and Wellbeing Board
Since April 2021, you may have done more face-to-face activities, so most updating will be about this. Other content might stay exactly the same. Make a note of that now, and be pleased you are already a step ahead!
Other figures on the number of people who've shared experiences, signposting and information enquiries, website and social media reach and funding levels will be needed for both your annual report and the annual national survey. Healthwatch England will be sending this out around the same time as you submit your annual reports, as they need to report the figures to parliament. Having these numbers to hand will save time on both fronts.
3. Decide which volunteers you’d like to feature and ask them for content now.
There’s no reason you can’t ask volunteers to write a personal profile and send you a preferred photo at any point in the year.
This can help make sure you can feature those who’ve contributed lots but might move on before the year ends. Plus, ensuring you aren't rushing last minute to find a photo that’s the right size and not pixilated – we’ve all been there!
Three profiles of up to 80 words with photos usually fit well on the one page.
Aim to feature different stories about why they volunteered or the work they’ve done to make a difference to your community.
This is also an opportunity to show people from diverse backgrounds who read your report and who might want to volunteer that they’d be welcome.
4. Take a look at what other Healthwatch did last year.
By looking at the approach taken by some other Healthwatch, you can start to talk to your team about how you write for your next report.
Each week until the end of February, I'll post on the Annual Reports Workplace group an example of one of last year's reports with a strong impact focus.
You'll then need to decide if anyone in your team should join our workshops about writing for impact that we have coming up from March 2023. Keep a lookout for these and other related learning opportunities on our events listings page.
Here’s to hoping that this year producing the annual report feels more than ever like a fantastic opportunity to showcase the outcomes that Healthwatch has achieved.
Do you currently store data in CiviCRM?
If you are one of the local Healthwatch who uses our CiviCRM system, then please don’t forget your access expire on 31 March unless you have chosen to stay with Civi through Circle Interactive directly.
If you are losing Civi, you need to make arrangements to export your data. If you’re not sure where to start – we can help you! Please email Michael Samuel without delay so he can prepare your export and check it meets your requirements. The deadline for us being able to transfer data is 30 April 2023, after which we are legally required to destroy the data.
Make sure you are prepared and download the bulk of your data now so you can start looking for good stories to feature in your annual report.
For more information, please see the formal notice of withdrawal of Civi.