What we're working on

NEWS: Have Your Say (HYS) solution now open - We're replacing the emails you receive with a CSV download, and making contact details available for the first time.
Read more about the HYS solution or request an account by contacting digital@healthwatch.co.uk 

NEWS: SmartSurvey device security update - please contact the digital team if you are affected by this change.

Digital and data introduction


For the latest news and information and support from Healthwatch England on its digital and data activities visit this page regularly. We’ve broken this section down into five areas:

Digital offer: where you will find the different platforms that we offer to Healthwatch. 
Support: where you will find the support resources that we offer.
Data: Covering data standards, our taxonomy, data sharing and collection.
Projects: What we're working on and opportunities to take part to build our solutions.
Legacy systems: Support for our legacy systems users.

Digital offer

Close up of a laptop keyboard, keyboard and hand on a mouse

Digital Systems

We provide a range of solutions to Healthwatch, in this section you will find all the platforms we offer to faciliate the various functions of Healthwatch.


Request platform access using our webforms:


Healthwatch Drupal CMS (website template)

The digital team offers free CMS support to all the local Healthwatch that use our template and CMS. If you encounter any difficulty in using the CMS, you don't know how to do something or you spot a serious error please get in touch with digital@healthwatch.co.uk and we're happy to help. Please describe the issue in detail in your email so we can replicate it. Do not forget to include links and where appropriate, screenshots.

Website onboarding

Move your website to our template and CMS. We offer an integrated platform that is competitively priced. Free CMS support and training are included and our template is regularly updated and improved.

Digital training

We have produced a number of training resources that are a good starting point to learn how to publish on our CMS.

We can also organise short training sessions over Teams upon request. Please get in touch with digital@healthwatch.co.uk if you require training. 


Data collection and structure

Find information regarding handling sensitive data securely along with information on the data structure/taxonomy that Healthwatch England uses.

Data handling and sharing

Information on using the right research methodology for engagement projects and data analysis. Further information is provided on how to share your data with Healthwatch England.  


Birdseye view of hands typing on laptop with envelope icons on desk

Development projects

We regularly work on new solutions to improve the functionality of the systems we provide. Here you'll find the projects we currently working along with any opportunities available for you to take part.

Other projects

Legacy support

Following an extensive user research project on the digital needs of Healthwatch in 2019/2020, we initiated a digital transformation project. We've made new platforms available to Healthwatch and retired one of our key platforms the CiviCRM. We still provide some online resources for the CiviCRM along with support for the Microsoft Excel basic solution for data storage.


Legacy CiviCRM support and Excel resources: