Select which event you attended? - Select -Chairs and board members quarterly network meeting I 13th JanCampaigns and Communications Ambassador Network (CAN) Catch-up - 16th Jan Healthwatch Volunteer Leads Network meeting - 23rd JanLead officers quarterly network meeting - 27th Jan Comms drop in session - 30th Jan Healthwatch Engagement Leads Network meeting - 12 Feb Healthwatch Adult Social Care network meeting - 20 FebHealthwatch Creating a quality volunteering experience - 20th FebICS Representatives Network Meeting - 4th March Words matter: inclusive language workshop (EDEI network meeting) - 17th March Campaigns and Communications Ambassador Network (CAN) Catch-up – 19 MarchResearch and Insight Network Group meeting – 20 March Did the session meet your expectations? - Select -CompletelyMostlySomewhatPartlyNot at allNot sure How likely are you to go and apply something you have learnt to your work? - Select -Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikelyNot sure Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the sessions, e.g. what worked well for you or could have been better? Submit Leave this field blank