May 2024

ICS Representatives Network

Thursday 16th May, 2024 - 10:30 to 12:00

About this event

This event will bring together representatives from different ICS areas to share updates and learn about new developments. Representatives will be able to use this information to influence activity in their ICS.

Type of event

Interactive session with large number of participants.

Please come with any issues or concerns that may be useful to colleagues in other ICS areas.

If there are any issues that you think we should include on the agenda, we would like to have them in advance where possible.

Who is this event for? 

We are aiming to have one representative from each ICS who can talk knowledgably about progress in their area, and who has a good understanding of the strategic context.

Ideally, we would like to have the same representative at every meeting for continuity but understand that this may not always be possible

What will you learn? 

Being part of this network will give you the opportunity to:

  • Learn about, and be part of, strategic developments
  • Receive support from Healthwatch England and your peers
  • Get current updates from ICS areas
  • Shape the agenda of the network to get what you want from it

The final agenda will be circulated before each meeting

Who is running this event? 

Gavin Macgregor - Head of Network Development

Contact details

For any questions about the event, get in touch with the Communications Team by emailing:
