Healthwatch core skills framework 2024/25

You told us that you would find it helpful if we grouped our learning and development offer into pathways linked to key Healthwatch roles and responsibilities.
There are some core activities that all local Healthwatch must do. These will be carried out by different people in each local Healthwatch, so we have focused on activities rather than job titles. We have a range of training, peer networks, guidance, and e-learning courses to help you develop your skills and build your confidence in these areas. The activities are:
- Welcome to Healthwatch
- Providing information and advice to the public
- Gathering views from the public
- Making views known and using them to improve services
- Reaching people and communicating the difference we make
- Managing volunteers
- Running a Healthwatch
How to use the framework
There is a page for each core activity with the keys skills you need to carry them out and the learning opportunities that will help you. New members of staff or volunteers may want to complete the whole pathway, more experienced people may just want to plug gaps in their learning.
Everyone learns differently so we have colour coded the different learning opportunities so you can choose which suits you best. Where there are several learning opportunities next to a skill, you can choose which suits you best and do as many as you wish. The links will take you straight to the session to book, the e-learning course or the resource to download.
From left to right you will see webinars, e-learning courses, peer network meetings, guidance documents then bespoke support. This is not in any priority order, just for ease of reading.