Social care survey template questions

In July 2024, Healthwatch England published research on the experiences of working-age disabled people when accessing and using social care. We heard that some Healthwatch are interested in carrying out similar research but are not sure what to ask, so we are publishing the questions from our survey.
Woman having her blood pressure tested

In the document below, you will find the questions from our survey. These have been slightly adapted to make them suitable for Healthwatch who may want to use them for a paper survey but are largely the same questions we asked during our research.

Our survey was carried out online using Savanta’s survey platform. Therefore, we were able to use question logic to only show respondents questions relevant to them and filter out people who we did not want to respond. 

Where relevant, we have included alongside question responses the relevant question logic. If you wish to run this as an online survey and are confident using question logic, you can use this to replicate our survey.


Social care polling questions for local Healthwatch (Word document)

Please see the document for further details - we hope you find this resource useful.