Website onboarding guidance
Guidance and advice about onboarding your website and how to complete a successful move to our Healthwatch Drupal CMS (website template).

- The onboarding of a new website takes up to 8 weeks on average.
- The process will involve manually transferring some of your content to our template.
- There are several deadlines you will have to meet in terms of transferring content to the new website.
- Both your commitment and capacity to migrate the content manually, are very important.
- Please explore other Healthwatch websites that are using our template. Here are two examples: Healthwatch Cornwall and Healthwatch Ealing.
- Familiarise yourself with our template, main blocks, and taxonomies. Please ask us to give you access to our template in the form provided.
- The website will be serviced by Circle Interactive, our developers. They will charge you a one-off cost of £120 for onboarding and then £36 per month for running costs. These costs may vary slightly.
- Healthwatch England will cover support, training and development.
- Please bear in mind, once we go live with your new website it is unlikely you will still be able to access your old website.
Information of how to complete a successful onboarding
- Focus on the content that is relevant ie. the minimum of content you would need to start this new website. This may include new content that you would have to write.
- It is as important to decide on the content you don’t need to transfer, content that is out of date for instance, or hasn’t been viewed by your users in a long while.
- Download your reports, pictures, and multimedia files on a local drive so these can be uploaded easily to our CMS.
- Please consider keeping less relevant content on your local drives. This will give you the option to republish it after the launch if you need to.
- It is best to start by transferring your reports and it is advisable to have these ready. Similarly, it helps to prepare the rest of the content you have in advance, for instance, the advice and information articles or events. The last you will transfer will be the pages because they require more work and familiarity with the CMS.
- Please evaluate the number of articles you would like to transfer, in relation to how many articles to publish per week. This could give you a clear indication of the workload bearing in mind your assigned Senior Admin/Editor or team will have to manually transfer the content to our template.
- We will schedule a call and a training session with your Senior Admin/Editor or team at the beginning of the onboarding to address any issues of concern and cover the basics of publishing on our CMS.
- Support and training will be provided free and on an ongoing basis.
Please consult the attached guidance regarding the steps to take to complete a successful onboarding:
Getting started with onboarding guide
Guidance for local Healthwatch to review content