Healthwatch volunteer stood in front of a Healthwatch banner

Apart from regional network meetings which use direct invitations, you can find and book your attendance for all sessions here

Regional networks

Connect with Healthwatch in your region. Membership varies between networks – some are open to all, some lead officers, some chairs and board members. Healthwatch England facilitate the following networks: North East; West Yorkshire; South Yorkshire; North West; East/West Midlands; East of England; South East; South Central; South West; London. Contact your regional manager for more information.

Lead officers

An opportunity to meet quarterly with Healthwatch England Chief Executive Louise Ansari to hear latest policy and updates and share issues affecting the network.

Chairs and board members

An opportunity to meet with Healthwatch England Chair and Chief Executive to hear about and discuss key policy updates from Healthwatch England and share issues from across the network. 

Volunteer Leads Network

An opportunity to explore good practice in volunteer management.

Integrated Care Representatives

Share updates and learn about new developments. Representatives will be able to use this information to influence activity in their ICS. 

EDEI Network

Quarterly meeting for people in the network to come together and support each other on their equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion (EDEI) journey.

Campaigns and Communications Ambassadors Network (CAN)

Bi-monthly catch-up for anyone involved in campaigns and communications

Healthwatch Engagement Leads Network

Sharing practice on reaching and engaging our local communities

Research and Insight Network Group 

Opportunity to share approaches and techniques to research.

Patient Safety Network

Allowing you to share your experiences of patient safety concerns and examine how our insight might help prevent avoidable harm.