November 2023

Introduction to the Accessible Information Standard

Wednesday 22nd November, 2023 - 13:30 to 15:00

About this event

This event will introduce you to the Accessible Information Standard (AIS), which all publicly-funded health and social care providers must comply with by law.

The AIS requires services to meet the information and communication needs of people who have a learning disability, a sensory impairment or loss.

In this session you will learn how it can support the work of your local Healthwatch organisation. You will also hear the most recent updates to the standard, which we expect in June 2023.

Event type

Interactive learning session to a small audience with discussion.

This is a one-off event, so please only book one place per local Healthwatch and share your learning with your teams.

Who is this event for?

This event is suitable for local Healthwatch staff and volunteers who would like to understand the AIS and how your organisation can encourage communication support provision within health and social care in your area.

What will you learn?

In the session, you will:

  • get an overview of the standard including the legal context and scope.
  • understand why there is a need for the standard.
  • gain insight into the work undertaken by Healthwatch to promote the use of the standard across all health and social care services.
  • know what the most recent updates are to the standard.
  • get slides and content to use in meetings or sessions with your local health and care providers.

Who is running this event?

Cathy Turland, Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Redbridge

Contact details

If you want further information about the themes of the day, or if you have experience in research and data collection and would like to join the RING, please contact the research helpdesk at:


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