Healthwatch staff and volunteers
Welcome to Healthwatch! Start with our short online course to understand more about Healthwatch, what we do and how together we can make a difference.
You will learn about the support we can offer you and how you can stay up to date with the latest news.

Lead officers
Have you just joined as a lead officer? Complete our online induction to understand the role of Healthwatch, learn how to provide an effective service and find out what support is available from Healthwatch England.

Chairs and Board members
New to your role as a Healthwatch Board member? Our induction will help you understand more about your role and responsibilities on the Board and the support we offer.

Take a look at our guidance
To help make your job easier, we provide a range of guidance covering all aspects of work including research guidance, social media training and our brand messaging.

Join our online community
We have a private community on Facebook Workplace with over 600 staff and volunteers. Share ideas, ask questions and stay up to date with the latest information. Get in touch with us today to request an account.
Logos, posters, social cards and more
To help you create branded resources quickly and easily check out the Communications Centre. From posters to email headers, graphics to social media templates, there are branded templates, which you can personalise to support all your communications.
There is one login per Healthwatch, with your enquiries/info@ email address.
Sign up for network news
To help you stay up to date with both the latest information from Healthwatch and the health and social care sector, we produce a weekly newsletter with a round up important information.
Useful contacts
Communications and engagement Workplace group
Research Helpdesk Workplace group
Digital systems Workplace group