Media protocol

This protocol outlines our approach to managing media relations and helps clarify the role of the media team at Healthwatch England.
Birdseye view of hands typing on laptop with envelope icons on desk

About the Healthwatch England media unit 

We are the first point of contact for national media enquiries. We prepare proactive and reactive responses to national issues; draft press releases and blogs; design and deliver national campaigns; recruit and store media case studies; monitor, evaluate and report national media coverage. 

Should we receive requests for comments or interviews from regional and local media outlets eg. a local BBC radio station, we pass the request on to the relevant local Healthwatch to respond to.

We are happy to advise local Healthwatch on media approaches, key messages, and other related issues. There are a number of resources that can help you with PR and media activities. 

Helpful resources 

National media outlets 

Should you receive a request for an interview or a comment on a national issue from a national media outlet, do forward it to the national media team to respond to. 

How to get in touch with the national team?  

If you are contacted by a national media outlet or have a question about media/ PR, contact: 

In her absence, you can direct your queries to: 

Communications Ambassadors Network (CAN) 

Bi-monthly CAN meetings offer a great opportunity for comms colleagues across the network to come together, share know how, and learn about upcoming national campaigns. Find out more.