November 2023

Campaigns and Communications Ambassador Network (CAN) Catch-up

Wednesday 15th November, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:00

About this event

This is part of a series of regular bi-monthly catch-up for members of the Campaigns and Communications Ambassadors’ Network (CAN). The CAN was created to link up staff or volunteers at all levels of seniority who generally lead on campaigns and communications for their local Healthwatch and want to help deliver campaigning activity and messaging in a more coordinated and impactful way.

We will update you on current and forthcoming Healthwatch campaigns during the interactive session and ask for your ideas, feedback, and suggestions.

Event type

Briefing and discussion group.

Who is this event for?

Any staff members or volunteers at all levels of seniority who generally lead on campaigns and communications for their local Healthwatch and want to help deliver campaigning activity.

What will you learn?

You will learn about current and forthcoming Healthwatch campaigns (both being delivered by Healthwatch England and the local Healthwatch network).

Who is running this event?

Chris Gorman, Campaigns and Regional Manager

Anna Galandzij, Media Manager

Timothy Cohen, Campaigns Officer

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