Guidance -
We’ve outlined a quick summary of what current ICS guidance means for your Healthwatch.
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Find out the things you need to consider when working with partners on research projects.
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See the notes from the July Policy Forum as well as presentations from the day.
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Find out how you can use your evidence and insight about people's experiences of health and…
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Make sure that local elected representatives are kept informed about what people think of local…
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Since the Government established the Healthwatch network, we have proven our value. Our advice and…
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Healthwatch England Chief Executive Louise Ansari introduces our new values which were chosen by…
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As part of our series of values videos, Healthwatch England Chief Executive Louise Ansari and…
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As part of our series of videos on our values, Healthwatch England Chief Executive Louise Ansari…
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As part of our series of values videos, Healthwatch England Chief Executive Louise Ansari and…