Impact programme resources

Healthwatch is about listening to people. But listening for listening’s sake is not enough. Feedback has to lead to change.

‘Impact’ is one of our shared service values because:

  • It builds trust with local people, including those whose voices are not being listened to, by showing that sharing their experiences with us is worthwhile. 
  • It increases the trust of local partners and makes it more likely they will act on what people have told us and seek to involve us in future.
  • It demonstrates to our funders that we provide excellent value for money. 

We’ve developed these resources in collaboration with local Healthwatch. If you have suggestions for other things that might be useful, then please let us know.

Planning for impact

Start by including this e-learning session in your induction programme for all staff and volunteers to ensure everyone understands what we mean when we use the words ‘outcomes’ and ‘impact’.

‘Theory of change’ is an approach widely used by the non-profit sector to help consider how likely a project or area of work is to achieve positive changes. Use our theory of change template with step-by-step instructions at the start of any new piece of work.

On these pages, you can find some examples of theory of change produced by Healthwatch for particular projects:

Running engagement events using Facebook Live.

Partnering with GP surgeries to use text message outreach.

Engaging with refugees and asylum seekers.

Use this equality impact assessment form to help you show that when outcomes are achieved and recommendations implemented, they lead to increased equality and reduced barriers for protected groups and others who experience discrimination or disadvantage.

This self-assessment sheet can help you prioritise what you should do next to improve your Healthwatch’s focus on impact.

These tips for success on social value might help you prepare for a tender.

Consider talking with your team about the points raised by these four Healthwatch leaders who have worked with their teams to develop a strong approach to impact.

Identifying and measuring impact

Use this impact tracker to plan follow-up activity and record your outcomes and impact. It includes a way you can share your successes with us.

Consider recruiting to an impact assistant volunteer role to help your Healthwatch increase its capacity to record, track, and follow up on outcomes.

Use this stakeholder perceptions survey template to find out more about what your local stakeholders value from you. As well as giving you great feedback, this can help you produce an annual influencing plan.

Communicating impact

Our Healthwatch Annual Report template was used by 96% of you as the starting point for your 2023/24 reports.

Consider using the content from your Healthwatch Annual Report in other ways too.

You can also use this guidance to help add a page to your website about the impact your Healthwatch has achieved.

Get in touch 

Want to discuss more about Healthwatch impact? Just get in touch with your Regional Manager or Impact Programme and Regional Network (NW) Manager via