How can you work with partners to tackle health inequalities? We spoke to Healthwatch Islington about how they make their partnership work and the impact it's had.
Every local Healthwatch is required to publish a privacy statement and cookies policy on your website, outlining how you manage data and personal information. This guidance will explain what to include and provides templates you can use.
The stories you collate in your annual report can be displayed on your website to show the public exactly how much of a difference you have made to your community. This guidance will show you how to build this page on your website.
It's important that you work together effectively with other local Healthwatch to prepare for ICS changes. This toolkit provides guidance on how to facilitate collaboration at place and system level.
Local Healthwatch and ICS's across the country have already built strong partnerships. Find out some of the common themes for success, which you could consider when working with your ICS.
Everything you need to get started with the Healthwatch brand. Download our handy branding quick quide, messaging cheat sheet, local Healthwatch descriptors, and visual guidelines.
To understand how reflective our network is, we’re asking all local Healthwatch to report on the demographic profile of their boards, staff and volunteers.