A female nurse talking to a patient in a hospital setting

Healthwatch England’s role includes providing advice and support to local authority commissioners as well as Healthwatch providers.

We seek to review all local authority tender specifications in advance to support legal/brand compliance and share learning on good commissioning of Healthwatch. We provide our Guide on Commissioning an Effective Heathwatch. During the tender process itself, we cease providing advice to Healthwatch providers that may prejudice the tender process. We are on hand to offer advice on transitioning from one provider to another , including our guide.

Each year we collect information on Healthwatch budgets, which at the request of government, we publish on our website.

Our guide on social value gives some useful tips you might want to consider when preparing for a tender.

As England’s statutory health and social care champions with a presence in every local authority area, Healthwatch are uniquely placed to help your organisation carry out targeted community engagement and find impactful solutions. 


Commissioning Healthwatch

In 2023/24, Healthwatch generated an additional £5 million in income alongside their core contracts. All commissioned activities must adhere to Healthwatch's statutory duties, as required by law and trademark license terms. 

Each local Healthwatch determines its work priorities based on public feedback and local needs, while upholding our core, shared values, including independence.

Our unique position

Healthwatch enables health and care bodies to commission additional work that brings valuable insights, helping to identify solutions and drive service improvements. With over a decade of experience, we have built strong relationships with community networks, allowing us to connect with individuals often beyond the reach of statutory bodies. 

This ensures a diverse range of lived experiences is brought to the forefront. Our in-depth knowledge of the health and care system uniquely positions us to identify solutions and drive better care outcomes. As a 'critical friend,' we assist organisations in integrating public voices into the planning and delivery of care.

Value for money

Each Healthwatch has unique capacities and capabilities, which determine the pricing for specific projects. Our guiding principle for day rates is as follows:

  • Experienced research and engagement officer: £350-£400 per day
  • Experienced manager or chief executive: £450-£500 per day

These rates are highly competitive, especially when compared to industry standards, which typically range around £1,000 per day.